Mentorship. Royalty. Elegance. Inspiration. Creative fashion .Sisterhood
The Princess Kingdom
The Princess Kingdom is a Sorority for young girls who aspire to be great! Founded by Fashion Designer and Photographer Shanae Saxby, in 2013. The Princess Kingdom is a place where we laugh bunches, love abundantly, learn and grow together, but most importantly support each other wholeheartedly in each endeavor we embark upon. Here at The Princess Kingdom, we care about making a difference in our communities. We Build, We Lead, We Create!!!
Our mission is to build confidence in girls around the world. With your love and support we can build a Kingdom.
GOD’S Vision, our Purpose
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
Our purpose is to build Kingdoms that allow children of all races, sizes, religions, and cultural backgrounds to come together as sisters and form an unbreakable bond. Their love, passion for fashion, and all things beautiful are the glue that keeps them together and builds experiences that last a lifetime.
Our Goal
Our goal is to be a blessing in your child’s life through mentorship, leading by example, encouragement, and love. Through team-building activities, community service, and volunteering we strive to highlight every aspect of your child's life to show them that they truly are princesses. While being a part of our program your daughters will be consistently reminded that they all are destined for greatness!